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Information Regarding Measles Outbreak in the UK

Since October 2023 the number of cases of confirmed Measles infections around the UK has soared, with large numbers of outbreaks now being seen around the West Midlands, East Midlands and London.

The British HIV Association (BHIVA) have set out their recommendations for individuals with HIV to ensure everyone is fully protected against this serious illness. Measles is an air-borne, highly contagious infection which poses a serious risk to adults, particularly people who are immunocompromised and pregnant women. Notably, about 10% of adolescents and adults with HIV lack measles antibodies and are therefore regarded as being at high risk of getting measles if they are exposed.

The most severe measles infections can be prevented by having TWO DOSES OF MEASLES IMMUNISATION

What action should I take?

We recommend:

  • You check your Immunisation History to see if you have previously received 2 x doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. There are many ways to do this but the easiest methods are to:
    • Check your NHS App – look in ‘Immunisations’ in the ‘My GP Health Record’ section.
    • Contact your GP surgery and ask the receptionist to look for you.

What should I do next…?

I’ve already had 2 doses of MMR vaccine…

You are fully protected against MMR but you may want to ask your GP or HIV clinic to check your Measles antibody (or Ig) levels to make sure they are working properly. A ‘booster’ dose can be given if your antibody levels are low.

I can only see one dose of MMR in my vaccination records…

You will need one more dose of MMR to give you lifelong protection against measles. Contact your GP to book an appointment.

I’ve never had an MMR vaccine…

You will need to get two doses of MMR vaccine, at least one month apart to give you lifelong protection, but you will get partial immunity from 5 days after your first dose. Contact your GP to book an appointment.

Information about the MMR Vaccine

The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine has been around for a long time and is deemed very safe and effective in individuals with well-controlled HIV. However, you cannot have an MMR vaccine if you are pregnant or if you have a CD4 count below 200 cells/mm3. Ask your HIV clinic what your most recent result was if you are unsure.

You also need to avoid getting pregnant within 1 month of being vaccinated.

You can read more detailed information about the MMR vaccine by visiting: https://www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/

Changes To Homecare Medication Deliveries

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we wish to advise you that Walsall Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) are changing the provider of our Homecare Pharmacy Services for all HIV medication home deliveries.

From September 2023 any medication deliveries you arrange will no longer come from Pharmaxo® Pharmacy Services Ltd. They will instead come from HealthNet® Homecare.

The decision to change to HealthNet follows an extensive process of comparing all other homecare options available to us at the time. We are confident that HealthNet Homecare can provide a comparable, high quality, reliable and discreet service and will maintain the high standards of confidentiality which we have always insisted upon.

HealthNet also offers the option for service users to access their own personal information and to book/amend medication deliveries using a secure online portal which we hope you will find useful, reducing the reliance on phone calls to arrange deliveries or to update delivery details.

My next medication delivery is due soon, what do I need to do?

Please rest assured that you should notice very little difference between the two service providers and you do not need to do anything for your deliveries to continue except to attend your routine clinic appointments as normal to avoid any delays to your deliveries. NB Under the terms of Homecare Services within Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, we must obtain regular blood test results in order to authorise future medication deliveries.

If you:

  • already have a delivery date booked with Pharmaxo before September, this will be delivered as planned.
  • do not yet have a delivery booked but one is due in August You will be contacted by Pharmaxo as usual to arrange this. Alternatively, you can contact Pharmaxo on 01225 302 188 (Option1) to book your August delivery date.

  • If you expect your delivery is due in September or beyond You will be contacted by HealthNet to book your delivery in a similar way to now (see below for further details).

We are working closely with both companies (Pharmaxo and HealthNet) at the moment to ensure your details are seamlessly and securely transferred across to HealthNet. Once this stage is complete, HealthNet will contact you by phone to introduce themselves prior to booking your next scheduled delivery. They will also provide a brief overview of their delivery service, including the use of the online Patient Portal. This will be a good opportunity to ensure your contact details and delivery address are all up-to-date and to confirm details of who else (if anyone) you have previously nominated to receive deliveries on your behalf.

Further information about HealthNet can be found by contacting the HIV Clinic, or by visiting the HealthNet website at www.healthnethomecare.co.uk

Useful telephone numbers regarding homecare:

  • WISH Clinic: 01922 270 390
  • Nurse (Gaynor): 01922 270 392 or 07977 058 714
  • Pharmacist (Kate) 01922 721 172 Extension: 7895
  • Pharmaxo Pharmacy Services 01225 302 188 (Option1)
  • HealthNet Homecare 08000 833 060
  • Walsall Manor Homecare team 01922 656 424

We apologise for any inconvenience or worry that this change may cause, but please be assured that we have taken every precaution to ensure that the switch process runs smoothly with minimal disruption to your regular home deliveries of HIV medication supplies. However, should you have any queries or questions regarding this, I’d be happy to discuss them with you either in the clinic, over the phone, or via email by contacting kate.holland5@nhs.net.

For more information regarding the new Homecare Service Provider please also see the HealthNet Patient Information Leaflet by clicking the link below:


We hope that you, your families and friends are all safe and well.

We are following the Governments current recommendations for Hospital Trusts and Patient Services across the country in order to minimise the risk of infection to both our patients and staff.

If you are required to attend the Sexual Health Clinic please can we remind you of the following Covid-19 restrictions:

  • Face coverings must be worn at all times during your visit – this rule applies in all NHS facilities even though requirements for face coverings have been lifted in a majority of settings throughout the UK
  • If you have a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss of taste or sense of smell, please DO NOT attend!
  • Please do not attend the clinic if you have covid-19 or are self isolating
  • Please attend the clinic alone wherever possible. Please note that children are not permitted in the clinic.
  • Use the hand sanitiser provided before entering or exiting the department
  • Follow the ‘One-way’ system when entering and exiting the department (see signs around the dept).

Covid-19 Vaccination Program for Adults with HIV


Anyone who is HIV positive is recommended to have the following Covid-19 Vaccinations:

  • 2 x primary doses, at least 8 weeks apart
  • Booster dose at least 12 weeks after the second dose
  • Spring booster at least 6 months after last booster dose (4 doses in total)

HIV Positive individuals who are immuno suppressed are recommended to have:

  • 2 x primary doses, at least 8 weeks apart
  • Third primary dose* at least 8 weeks after 2nd primary dose
  • Booster dose at least 12 weeks after the third dose
  • Spring booster at least 6 months after last booster dose (5 doses in total)

Not all patients with HIV are considered to be immunosuppressed. You are eligible if any of the following apply to you:

  • You have a CD4 count of less than 200
  • You have had a serious HIV-related illness in the 12 months before their first COVID-19 vaccine dose (e.g. AIDS-defining illness such as tuberculosis, PCP, lymphoma).
  • You are not currently taking any recommended HIV treatment.
  • You have a detectable viral load despite taking recommended treatment – this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the clinic consultants, taking into account other factors such as CD4 count, co-morbidities, HIV history etc. If you are unsure if this applies to you please speak to one of the HIV clinic team.

* Covid-19 vaccination: Third Primary Dose recommendations

The third dose (booster) of the COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all individuals who are over the age of 50 years or who are living with underlying health conditions including HIV. This should be an mRNA form of the vaccine, e,g, either Pfizer or Moderna brand vaccine regardless of what brand of vaccine you received for your first two primary doses.

Patients with HIV who are deemed to be immunosuppressed should however receive a third primary dose of the Covid-19 vaccination to improve the immune response to the first two primary doses (see above for details on who is considered to be immunosuppressed).

Anyone eligible for the third primary dose will also require a booster dose (4th dose) of vaccine

If you think you fall into any of the above categories and have not already been contacted by your GP to book your third primary dose, your third booster dose or your spring booster dose of covid-19 vaccination, please call the HIV clinic on 01922 270390.

For further information please visit:

New Treatments for Non-Hospitalised Patients with Covid-19 Infection

Anyone with HIV is at an increased risk of a more severe form of Covid-19 infection and as such you are eligible to receive one of the new Covid-19 drug treatments. These must be started within 72hours (3 days) of the onset of Covid-19 symptoms or from the positive Lateral Flow or PCR test result.

If you test positive for Covid-19, you must report this to the NHS Test and Trace Service by calling 119 or via the NHS Covid-19 Smartphone App.

If your GP is aware of your HIV status, the NHS will automatically contact you to inform you of your treatment options and how to obtain them.

If you GP is not aware of your HIV status please contact the HIV Clinic team on 01922 270 390 to be referred to the Community Covid-19 Treatment Service

For further information on the new Covid-19 treatments please visit:

NHS Treatments for Coronavirus https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-care-and-treatments-for-coronavirus/treatments-for-coronavirus/

HIV Patient Services – Changes to Clinics due to Covid-19

Certain aspects of clinic practices have had to be changed in order to comply with Covid-19 current restrictions.

  1. Please Book appointments as soon as the last container of medication has been STARTED.
    Appointment Telephone Number – 01922 270 390.
  2. Blood tests and HIV medication collections must take place during the designated clinic times:-
    Monday 8.30am-12.30pm Appointment only
    Tuesday 4.30pm-6.30pm Appointment only
    Wednesday 9.00am-12.00pm Appointment only
    Thursday 8.30am-12.30pm Appointment only

Friday 9:15am-11.00am Emergency Appointment only – this will be booked for you by a Doctor if you need to be seen urgently

  1. At all other times, messages will be taken by the Receptionist and passed to the Doctor/Nurse/Pharmacist who will deal with your request as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can contact the HIV specialist nurse on 07825 823856 (mobile) or 01922 650392 (office, answer machine available)
  2. Any support or travel letters will require a minimum of Two weeks’ notice for completion.
  3. HIV medication can also be delivered to your home (or alternative) address via Pharmaxo Homecare Services. Please ask the clinic if you are interested in joining the scheme. Medication deliveries are through DPD or CityLink courier deliveries in discreet, plain packaging which must be signed for by a named recipient to protect your confidentiality.
  4. Please DO NOT MISS ANY OF YOUR MEDICATION. If you have only a few days medication remaining please contact the clinic before you run out to obtain an emergency One-month supply.
  5. To avoid an unnecessary journey, please do not come to collect your medication until you have been contacted by the clinic and informed that your prescription is ready.
  6. If you are attending an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic or a Dermatology Clinic appointment within the building, please note that these clinics are not run by the Sexual Health Department (we just provide the clinic rooms). All prescriptions will be supplied through the Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy located in the entrance atrium of the main hospital and normal prescription charges will apply. Prescription charges are currently £9.15 per item.

Information updated March 2022

Contact Information:

WISH Clinic

Sexual Health

Manor Hospital

Moat Road


West Midlands


Tel: 01922 270 400

Secretary: 01922 270 391

Website: www.walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk

Website: www.walsallsexualhealth.co.uk