What You Need To Know About STIs

There are many different types of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) that are passed on during vaginal, anal and oral sex as well as through intimate contact with an infected partner.
Some STIs have no symptoms – you could have one and not even realise. The good news is that all STIs can be treated, although not all of them can be cured. If you have had sex without a condom, it is important to get tested.
You don’t have to come into our clinic to do this. You can get tested by requesting a postal kit that will be sent to your home – or an address you supply – discreetly packaged. Just click here.
If you are under 25 you can request a simple self-taken test for chlamydia & Gonorrhoea from the Black Country Chlamydia Screening Programme.
Learn More About STIs
Bacterial Vaginosis | Chlamydia | Genital Herpes | Genital Warts | Gonorrhoea | Hepatitis B | Hepatitis C | HIV | Non Specific Urethritis | Pubic Lice | Syphilis | Thrush | Trichomoniasis
Frequently Asked Questions
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I am aged 13 – 16 and I think I might have an STI
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You can get information and support even though the legal age of sexual consent in the UK is 16. If you are under 16 and you have had sex or been intimate with someone who may have an infection, please call us on 01922 270400.
I am over 16 and think I might have an STI
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If you are over the age of 16 and you have had sex or been intimate with someone who may have an infection you can
request a postal testing kit or call 01922 270400.
I am a man who has sex with men and think i might have an STI
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If you are a man who has sex with men and you have had sex or been intimate with someone who may have an infection you can
request a postal testing kit or call 01922 270400.
I have discharge, burning, pain or bleeding during sex
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If you have noticed any of these symptoms you can
request a postal testing kit or call 01922 270400.
I have noticed Lumps/bumps or swelling
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If you have noticed any of these symptoms you can
request a postal testing kit or call 01922 270400.
I have noticed genital skin conditions
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If you have noticed any of these symptoms you can
request a postal testing kit or cal 01922 270400.
I can no longer get and maintain on erection
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Give our clinic a call 01922 270400.
I think I might have a non-sexually transmitted infection
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You can get infections like Thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis without having sex. Antibiotics, tight clothing, strong scented bath products or intimate body sprays can cause these.
If you think that you may have a non-sexually transmitted infection, it’s best to book an appointment with your GP.