Genital Warts

What are these?

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). They are small, skin-coloured, rough lumps found on the genitals and around the rectum (back passage). Genital warts are easily passed from one person to another via skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity.

What are the symptoms?

Warts can be different shapes and sizes. You may notice lumps on or around the genital area. Some people with HPV don’t develop warts, but can carry the virus and pass it on to someone else who can go on to get warts.

How do I get tested?

If you think you have genital warts you should visit one of our centres across Walsall. Genital warts are easy to recognise and, although you may feel embarrassed, it is important to get them checked out. In rare cases they can be a sign of cervical cancer in women.

Is there any treatment?

Genital warts can be easily treated. A range of treatments are available depending on the size and location of the warts. The best treatment for you can be discussed with your healthcare professional.

After the warts have cleared, the virus will remain in your body and may come back at any time.

How can I prevent it?

Using condoms every time you have vaginal or anal sex is the most effective way to avoid getting genital warts. If you have an outbreak you should avoid any sexual activity or skin-to-skin contact.

If you would like to know more about genital warts, visit the NHS Choices website.

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